Friday, December 13, 2013


In a perfect ending to the week, we now have a completed slab. The weather was perfect today, albeit a bit hot for the poor guys working. We made a quick trip to the block early this morning to see the concreting action underway and to chat with our slab supervisor. It was surprising to see how quickly the slab went down and they were able to pull off the formwork. 

This afternoon our SS rang to fill us in our the plan for next week. Monday is termite barrier day and a fellow is coming to push some fill up against the slab to make life easier for the brickies after Chrismas. Frames are due for delivery on Tuesday and the carpenters will be around the same day to hopefully get started. Roof will also be delivered next week and they are hoping to install over the Christmas break.

The fascias and gutter arrived today and were sitting next to our block this afternoon. I LOVE the paperbark colourbond, it's not commonly used but there's something eye catching about it. 

Photo bomb time!

All of the action from a distance


Pouring the front entryway


The glorious slab


 Master bedroom and alfresco. Did I mention how high the slab is, it's going to be one tall house!


Paperbark gutters and surfmist fascia



  1. CONSLABULATIONS!!!! what a mighty fine looking slab, MJH is powering along!

  2. Haha thanks Merryn! Now we have the slab I'm a little excited to see frames happen. It's an endless process of wanting more isn't it!
