Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Festive Post

Looking back over the last 12 months it feels very surreal that we have been in our home for half a year and that we have had our first Christmas here. I'll admit, I seriously underestimated the amount of work that it would take to 'complete' our home and landscaping. It is still very much a work in progress for 2015. 

We had quite a large group of people for a formal christmas dinner and for the first time our house had bedrooms full of visiting relatives. McDonald Jones certainly build great homes for entertaining! It was a dream preparing the meal in our new kitchen and giant oven - our old oven could barely fit a roasting dish, let alone enough food for a small army! The house came up beautifully with our christmas decorations so I have a few photos to share. 

With the passing of the festive season I wanted to wish everyone all of the very best for the year ahead. Thank you all for reading and sharing in our building journey - we still have some exciting projects ahead to share you with.


  1. Ur house looked beautiful,,,i must admit we had xmas at ours as well, everyone fitted nicely, and the pool got a work out,,still cleaning the glass around the pool lol,,have fun finishing ur home, and i agree, so much work, didnt realize how much till we started

  2. Thanks so much Ann! Oh i never even considered what a pain it would be to clean all of those glass pool fence panels! So far things are looking promising for us putting in a pool! I'm so excited at the thought but it all depends on another valuation of the house. Fingers crossed it comes out at what we need :) I bet you are loving your pool with all of the hot humid days.
